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Zenxin Organic sells eggs from caged farms

Zenxin Organic, a leading retailer that owns 17 supermarkets and supplies their products to over 100 locations in the country, claims to be a caring and wholesome business, but the truth is far from that.

Inside the company’s egg supplier, Zenxin Agriculture, hundreds of hens are locked into cramped wire cages.


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What the investigation revealed

Lack of space

Thousands of chickens suffer immensely confined in cramped wire cages. Each bird has a space smaller than the size of an A4 sheet of paper in which to live.

Unhealthy Environment

The sanitary conditions found in the warehouses were alarming. Piles of feces and feathers had accumulated under the cages, creating an extremely unhealthy environment.

Feather loss

Some hens have lost their feathers, possibly as a result of forced molting: the practice of starving hens or switching them to a feed that is nutrient-deficient for long periods of time. This has been banned in many countries.


Restrictive systems like cages can lead to hens with weaker bones that are more likely to break when hens are caught and transported.


Due to the extreme confinement, hens experience high frustration levels as they cannot express their natural behaviors.

Public health risks

The cages can also pose a threat to public health. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), cage systems have a higher prevalence of Salmonella than cage-free systems. Salmonella is a bacteria that kills thousands of human beings each year.

During the course of this investigation, Sinergia Animal obtained proof that Zenxin Agriculture Sdn. Bhd. produces eggs that are sold by Zenxin Organic. These eggs, unfortunately, do not comply with organic production standards, which require animals to be free from cages and have green pastures in which to forage and move around during the day. Instead, hens in Zenxin Agriculture Chicken Farm are confined in tiny cages within dark sheds, which could never receive an organic certification. Zenxin Agriculture and Zenxin Organic are related companies, as stated on their websites (1, 2).

Sinergia Animal has attempted to address these welfare concerns directly with Zenxin Organic, but the company remains unresponsive. They have failed to show a clear interest in adopting a cage-free policy, despite the fact that not having one is in direct contradiction with its status as an organic store. This silence is unacceptable.


Many companies in Malaysia, like MYDIN, Lotus’s and Oldtown White Coffee, have already committed to stop using and selling eggs from cruel battery cage systems. There is no excuse for Zenxin Organic not to do the same!


We also urge Zenxin Agriculture to make its egg producing farms 100% cage-free. This would be a huge and iconic move that can be followed by other leading egg producers in Malaysia.

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About the brand

About Zenxin Organic

Zenxin Organic posits itself as a leading producer and retailer of organic produce.

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